As Biden’s NSA, Jake Sullivan has prosecuted the war against Russia, aggravated our biggest trading partner- the Chinese, supported Netanyahu’s genocidal policy against the Palestinians and poured money into the Ukrainian money pit. The result is we are mistrusted by the world majority as evidenced by recent UN General Assembly and Security Council votes. American foreign policy is simply a catastrophe. Led by Sullivan, the Congressional and “deep state” war-hawks are salivating for a war against Iran.
Whoever wins the November election will have a new NSA who will guide this country’s foreign policy. In the past, Donald Trump has selected John Bolton and Mike Pompeo as his foreign policy advisers. Both are war-hawks. Recently Trump has talked about bombing Iran which his buddy Netanyahu wishes will happen.
Against all this is a quiet but learned, voice, Philip H Gordon, Vice President Kamala Harris’ National Security Advisor. The key to Gordon’s thinking is his 2022 book entitled “LOSING THE LONG GAME: THE FALSE PROMISE OF REGIME CHANGE IN THE MIDDLE EAST”.
Getting at the heart of Gordon’s thinking is a quotation from the beginning of the Introductory chapter entitled “The Regime Change Temptation”. Gordon begins …………
“Since the end of World War II, the United States has set out to oust governments in the Middle East on an average of one per decade….The goal of U.S policy was the removal of a country’s leaders and transformation of its political system…..What is common in all these efforts …is that they invariably failed to achieve their ultimate goals, produced a range of unintended —and often catastrophic—consequence, carried extraordinary financial costs and in many cases left both the target country and the United States worse off than they were before”.
Whereas Gordon eschews “regime change”, he is not an “isolationist”. He goes on to observe…”And I believe there are often practical things the United States can and should do to reduce conflict, allevate suffering, promote prosperity, deter atrocities and advance political reform. In most cases however, a mix of containment, deterrence, diplomatic engagement, support for partners, selective military actions, arms control, economic investment, and the restoration of the United States as a respected, prosperous and democratic alternative will produce better results than the pursuit of costly, quixotic and unrealistic campaigns to overthrow regimes”.
Here is a seasoned adviser to Presidents, a scholar with a reasoned practical approach to American Foreign policy. This policy can restore respect to the United States, the country at the center of the wars and chaos the world, at this moment is embroiled in.
Presidents who have succeeded to move the country along have had extraordinary foreign policy advisers. FDR had Harry Hopkins who lived in the White House during the World War II. George H W Bush had Brent Scowcroft who wisely advised the President to limit the war against Saddam Hussein. H W Bush also had James Baker as his Secretary of State during the fall of the Berlin Wall. Baker negotiated the agreement with Gorbachov to remove Russian troops from Germany and Eastern Europe. Baker was respected by all parties to the Cold War.
By choosing Gordon as her key foreign policy adviser, Kamala Harris has demonstrated her ability to make key decisions. In this case, it’s the most important decision she will make if elected President. In the minst of world turmoil, a sanguine voice in Washington is desperately needed. Gordon is that voice.
NO NUKES —Humanity
OPEN THE KENNEDY FILES—Americans who want to understand ourselves
Trump + Bolton + Pompeo = A recipe for more of the same militaristic crap, regardless of whatever Trump is saying this week.
Harris doesn't strike me as any more capable of making peace than Trump, or, really, making much of any foreign policy changes at all. It's above her pay grade, AFAICT.
Thx for bringing us up to date